V - search and rescue unit ground speed
V stands for search and rescue unit ground speed
Here you will find, what does V stand for in Military under Military category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate search and rescue unit ground speed? search and rescue unit ground speed can be abbreviated as V What does V stand for? V stands for search and rescue unit ground speed. What does search and rescue unit ground speed mean?search and rescue unit ground speed is an expansion of V
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Alternative definitions of V
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Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- V sector pattern
- VAC volts, alternating current
- VBS visit, board, search
- VBSS visit, board, search and seizure
- VCC voice communications circuit
- VCG virtual coordination group
- VCR violent crime report
- VCXO voltage controlled oscillator
- VDC volts, direct current
- VDJS Vice Director, Joint Staff
- VDR voice digitization rate
- VDS video subsystem
- VDUC visual display unit controller
- VEH vehicular cargo
- VFTG voice frequency telegraph
- VID visual identification information display
- VINSON encrypted ultrahigh frequency communications system
- VIRS verbally initiated release system
- VIS visual imaging system
- VISA Voluntary Intermodal Sealift Agreement